

PrR3: Methodology Guide and Report on the Burnout Free ECI Pilot


    Report on the Burnout Free ECI Pilot


This pilot phase is crucial since it responds to the need to:

- gather real-time insights through the implementation of knowledge & assess the Burnout Free practices’ usability, performance and efficacy

- reveal the challenges from different ECI methodology approaches, different national social care policies, organizational structures and working conditions

- reduce the number of unanticipated problems

The Guidelines framework of mutually empowering Burnout Free practices, –based on PrR1 and PrR2 and drafted in the Webinar will be tested during the Pilot phase and finalized into a Methodology Guide of Burnout Free ECI techniques. It will allow participants to reflect on the Burnout Free practices and methodologies above in order to improve the quality of ECI services. The science-backed practices for more resilience, connection and well-being will be accompanied with step-by-step instructions on how to implement them during pilot phase.

The Professionals will test and try the Burnout Free practices in real environment, in each partners’ Organization during actual Early Intervention sessions with parents and Professionals. The innovative character of PrR3 lies in the holistic, individually- centered approach and the innovative and mutually empowering techniques that will be applied, promoting active participation, collaborative peer learning and cooperation, in equal terms, among parents and professionals. This will strengthen their relationship, build the foundation of trust and connection among them and ensure the effectiveness of the project objectives.

The target groups of PrR3 are primarily the Professionals of the Organizations, the ECI Professionals and the Parents with CwD. This phase is highly innovative since the ECI Professionals’ feedback will be recorded in reflective logs. The parents involved in the ECI sessions and the management staff of the Organizations will provide their feedback in questionnaires. Their feedback will constitute the basis for the Report on the Burnout Free ECI Pilot which will consist of the most effective and empowering Burnout Free ECI techniques.

This pilot phase is an evaluation & validation process that will fully engage all parties involved (parents and professionals in the ECI organizations), identify the required adaptations and facilitate a systematic way to report any issues that may arise during each Burnout FREE pilot ECI session.

In addition, the E-Leaning Game will be tested and tried for the first time. Adaptations & improvements will be incorporated, based on the users’ feedback, ensuring that the E-Learning Game will meet the project requirements and the activities will engage the users and attract their full attention.

The impact of PrR3 lies in keeping all parties actively on board. The interaction and collaboration of the professionals with the parents in ECI services will result in new ideas. In addition, professionals and parents will familiarize themselves with ECI practices and approaches from different national and organizational backgrounds. Furthermore, it will reveal challenges related to diverse legislative frameworks, social welfare policies and methodologies applied by each organization. The collected data will be analyzed and evaluated by a specialized software for qualitative and mixed methods data analysis, Atlas.ti and SWOT. The elaboration and evaluation on the questionnaires and the reflective logs will help finetune the techniques and will lead to the Report on the Burnout Free ECI Pilot. The expected impact of this result is that Burnout Free ECI techniques will be made available to other organizations and they can be easily transferred and applied to other contexts. The Report will be available as Open Educational Resources (OER) in the Burnout Free ECI-Hub, allowing accessibility and transferability of the content beyond the Consortium. Transferability will also be fostered by the Sharing and promotion strategy applied.


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