

PrR4: E-learning Game

Avatars are digital self-representations that enable users to interact and communicate with each other in a virtual environment. Avatar software (E-learning Game) offers clients unit scope to address or confront Burnout symptoms within a safe and controlled environment (“What role can avatar play in e-Mental health interventions? /Imogen C. Rem et al.2016).

Familiarization with effective communicative and collaborative methods, engagement of users, self-empowering techniques, and increased capacity of users to make suitable learning choices are the main goals of PrR4.

The E-Learning Game consists of a set of Free applications compatible with PrRs, Android and windows 3D devices that will be developed to serve the training needs of professionals and parents, using evaluation tools, tests, access to materials, gamification framework, funnel analytics, feedback.

The E-Learning game content will be defined in detail during the project. It is expected to include:

a. mood quizzes (based on psychometric tests) to detect the burnout symptoms

b. identification of the user profile

c. links to literature, actions assigned depending on the results of the psychometric tests and the user profile d. a game scenario with a story and avatars that will personalize the symptoms and desired behaviors in a form of strategy game.

The sceneries will be familiar places (e.g. a room) where the user will have to consider different aspects, make choices, interact with 3D objects, take mood quizzes and have access to useful learning tools. Mock up versions of the app will be developed in order to early detect potential implementation risks. Gamification will be used to engage the user throughout the app content. The user wins trophies for completing certain tasks. The goal is to increase learners’ engagement and advance their learning achievements. The target groups are the ECI professionals, parents with CwD, organization staff, team leaders, multidisciplinary team members, management staff, educational experts on ECI, researchers, professors, students, stakeholders and decision makers.

PrR4 innovation lies in the power of games to engage users and attract their full attention.

Through the use of avatars and the fun learning experience the following can be achieved:

-reduce communicative barriers

-promote treatment through anonymity,

-provide learning on burnout symptoms and treatment

-improve peer learning skills

-acquire self-assessment strategies

The E-learning game is accompanied by an authoring tool that allows development of new soft skills that can be presented in the same 3D app. This authoring tool permits future additions to the game in order to easily update the content and respond efficiently to upcoming needs. The development of an authoring tool further enhances its innovative character and its transferability since it provides authorized users with the ability to become co-designers and administrators of the app. The gamified apps will give Professionals and Parents an extra tool to deal with burnout, improve their well-being and cope better with their personal and professional challenges.

PrR4 will have further positive impact since it offers free access to this tool and respective benefits that go far beyond the target groups of the Burnout FREE ECI Project and beyond the participating countries. Omegatech will develop applications that will serve the training scenarios. The necessary 3D models (sceneries and avatars) will be customized or developed from scratch, if necessary.

PrR4 will be uploaded to the Burnout FREE ECI HUB, increasing the project sustainability and scalability. Great Transferability will be achieved since the authoring tool allows development of further soft skills that can be presented in the same 3D app, changes to existing scenarios and enhancement of their content with links to more/new tools. Translation in many languages with a minimum cost will enhance the project replication potential.

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