

1st Transnational Project Meeting - Burnout FREE ECI Project

1st Transnational Project Meeting - Burnout FREE ECI Project

In the framework of the implementation of the Burnout FREE ECI Project “Burnout of Professionals and Parents with Children with Disabilities: Prevention, common challenges and mutually empowering methodologies and practices in Early Child Intervention Services” (No: 2021-1-EL01-KA220-ADU-000035230) under the Erasmus+ Programme, KA220-ADU-Cooperation partnerships in adult education, coordinated by AMIMONI and managed by the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), all partners associated with the project had the opportunity to meet in Varna, Bulgaria, for our first transnational meeting on the 14th & 15th March 2022. Those that could not attend dialed in virtually, which has very much become normal for many over the past few years. We all successfully discussed and collaborated our plans for the next few years, clarifying everyone’s roles and responsibilities.


The diverse mixture of specialisms and expertise across the partners means that we will be able to produce a wide range of results and outcomes to support both professionals and parents.


Throughout its three-year duration, the ‘Burnout FREE ECI Project’ aims to develop 6 project results:


  • Report on Burnout: Literature Review & Survey on Needs Assessment
  • Burnout Free ECI Training Material & Content for Professionals and Parents
  • Methodology Guide and Report on the Burnout Free ECI Pilot
  • E-Learning Game
  • Certification Scheme
  • Digital toolkit and replication methodology


After the kick-off meeting in Varna, partners will now begin to work on the literature review and establish what information is already available regarding burnout in Early Childhood Intervention at national, European and International level. A Survey on Needs Assessment will also be conducted so as to acquire in-depth knowledge of the needs of professionals and parents with children with disabilities in ECI services and identify burnout risk factors and implications.


Our next face to face meeting will be in July 2022 in Croatia, during which participants will reflect on the PrR1 results and they will work together to structure the Training Material content (PrR2).


The partners who were able to travel to Varna had the chance to get to know this beautiful, cozy town, known for its gentle sea, good beaches and remarkable objects.


They also had the opportunity to Visit Karin Dom. Karin Dom is a modern functional center for providing a complex of social, health and educational services for children with special needs and their families – a model for Bulgaria and abroad. They employ highly qualified specialists including physiotherapists, rehabilitators, speech therapists, psychologists, special teachers and social workers. You can learn more about them here: Karin Dom Website.


We were lucky enough to be given a tour of their building, in which they showcased multiple rooms and specialist equipment. Karin Dom also kindly showed us their Baby Box which is distributed to every parent of a newborn baby in Varna. This box includes toys, useful equipment, and a voucher for a free consultation at the facility, so that early childhood intervention is available to all.


Watch this space for further information on the ‘Burnout Free ECI project’ and join the conversation on social media with #BurnoutFree!

Figure 1 - The Burnout Free partners posing and smiling on the stairs of Karin Dom.


Figure 2 - The partners of Burnout Free posing together both in person and virtually.


Figure 3 - The Baby Box available through Karin Dom.

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