

3rd Multiplier Event of the Burnout FREE ECI Project

3rd Multiplier Event of the Burnout FREE ECI Project

On May 27 2024 Karin Dom held online the Multiplier Event #3 of the Burnout FREE ECI project: Burnout FREE Early Childhood Intervention Services: Prevention, Common Challenges, Mutually Empowering Methodologies and Practices for Professionals and Parents with Children with Disabilities.

The meeting took place on the Zoom platform. 125 people registered out of which 84 people from all over Bulgaria as well as from Greece participated live during the event. There were representatives from various target groups such as social workers, parents of children with special needs, teachers, NGO employees, psychologists, speech therapists, management staff of public and private social services institutions, economists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, people with disabilities, representatives and stakeholders of public bodies within the health and social services sectors, current university professors and students.  Funding Organizations, sponsors and the media were also invited to increase the impact of the Multiplier Event and ensure the sustainability of the project.

During the first part of the event, Darina Raykova, Project Manager, and Dimitrina Bakalova, Project Coordinator, presented the Burnout FREE ECI project. The presentation consisted of the following topics:

  • The Burnout FREE ECI Project – implementation period, financing, partners, general and specific objectives, expected outcomes;
  • Results of the Burnout FREE ECI project (PrR1-PrR6) – what has been done and what remains to be done until the end of the project implementation period;
  • Presentation of the specific innovative outputs of the project: The E-learning Game, the Certification for persons (Key Competences skills) in the child disability sector & the creation of the virtual community of active stakeholders in the context of the Burnout FREE ECI Hub;
  • Added value of the project related to ECI Professionals and parents with children with disabilities;
  • Future steps to ensure the sustainability of the project and the upscaling of its results to policy making.

During the second part of the meeting, Nikoleta Yoncheva, PhD, Speech Therapist, Veselina Tincheva, Social Worker, and Virginia Vasileva, Psychologist and Psychotherapist, presented some of the theory from the training materials (PrR2) as well as some of the techniques and practices for addressing the burnout syndrome. Some of their topics covered the following:

  • The challenge, the complexity and the appropriateness of having both target groups (parents of children with disabilities and professionals working in ECI services) collaborating, mutually empowering each other and exchanging experiences and practices in the common goal of assisting the child with disability;
  • The opportunity offered to reach high quality material from distance, at one’s own pace, designed on the basis of person centered approach;
  • The therapeutic effect of creating a community related to the Burnout FREE ECI project that will allow people to seek and find support and tools to improve their competences, resilience, capacities and well-being;
  • The added value of the transnational, multisectoral and transdisciplinary network in achieving innovative and effective outcomes.

At the end of the event there was a Q&A session and the participants also filled out a brief evaluation form. 97% of the participants shared that the venue of the meeting was appropriate, 95% found the event well organized, 97% shared that the program and structure of the event were satisfactory, 100% said that the project goals and results were thoroughly presented, 97% liked the presenters as well as the information presented and the structure of the presentations, 89% shared that the results of the Burnout FREE ECI project are important to their professional and/or personal life. 91% of the respondents shared that the Multiplier Event met their expectations. 

Κarin Dom shared the link of the project website: where the Burnout FREE ECI Hub will be developed, allowing all interested parties to connect, make use and share scientific knowledge, tools, practices and other resources.

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