

3rd Transnational Project Meeting - Burnout FREE ECI Project

3rd Transnational Project Meeting - Burnout FREE ECI Project

In the framework of the implementation of the Burnout FREE ECI Project “Burnout of Professionals and Parents with Children with Disabilities: Prevention, common challenges and mutually empowering methodologies and practices in Early Child Intervention Services” (No: 2021-1-EL01-KA220-ADU-000035230) under the Erasmus+ Programme, KA220-ADU-Cooperation partnerships in adult education, coordinated by Amimoni and managed by the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), all partners associated with the project had the opportunity to meet in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, for our third Transnational Meeting on the 16th & 17th March 2023. Those that could not attend in person were virtually present. Luckily, most of the partners were able to personally attend which contributed to lively discussions and certainly to build better relations among partners.


During our Meeting, hosted by the Babes-Bolyai University, we went through the last completed tasks, as well as the current and upcoming activities, deadlines, methods of implementation and expected results. Regarding PrR2 “Burnout Free ECI Training Material & Content for Professionals and Parents”, we had a constructive discussion with the University of Zagreb, the PrR2 leader, summarizing what has been done so far and planning the upcoming work regarding the next steps – the assessment tool & the finalization of the Training Material.


We also reviewed in detail PrR3 “Methodology Guide and Report on Burnout Free ECI Pilot” for which the responsible partner is the University of Thessaly. We saw a presentation regarding the PrR3 methodology and then discussed guidelines for reflective logs and questionnaires for professionals and parents and the final techniques/practices which will be applied during the pilot phase of PrR3.


Thereinafter, the E-Learning game (PrR4) was presented by the leading partner – THEOFANIS ALEXANDRIDIS KAI SIA EE, Omegatech, Greece. A presentation of potential scenarios for the E-Learning game, a definition of technical specifications and requirements and a discussion led by the Omegatech representative brought in lots of creative ideas regarding the design and development of the E-Learning game. Omegatech’s representative showed all partners a demo version of the game so we had the opportunity to discuss it in detail and talk more about the scenarios each organization will be responsible to design.


During the second day of the Transnational Meeting, we went through the rest of the PrRs so that we can be sure that all partners work the same way and have a unified understanding of how the project results should be delivered and reported. With the colleagues from Amimoni, the coordinating organization, we went through the project management issues discussing the Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Evaluation of the project, as well as the administrative and financial procedures and appropriate documentation.

We included a representative of EASPD via Zoom who presented summarized results on project sharing and promoting activities for the last few months. Last but not least, we talked about the PrR5 “Certification Scheme” which is a responsibility of  Cyprus Certification Company. We discussed the eligibility of people who can be certified and we received valuable tips and guidance on how to select these people, as well as on the “Innovative Train the Trainers Burnout Free ECI Program’’.


During the 2-day meeting, successfully led by Amimoni, we had great and fruitful discussions. Participants were very open, very active and eager to plan the forthcoming activities of the project.


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