


The Department of Special Education, Babes-Bolyai University in cooperation with the School Center for Inclusive Education Cluj-Napoca, will organize between the 26th of August and 29th of August the BURNOUT FREE ECI Summer School that will focus on the main topics of the project, but also on the professional competences that are developed within Erasmus+ projects and courses.

Workshop: "Prevention of Professional Burnout in the Disability Sector"

On 06/09/2024 Amimoni will conduct a Workshop  on the topic "Prevention of Professional Burnout in the Disability Sector".

The Workshop will take place at Amimoni's facilities,1 Dragatsaniouand Vosporou, Building Complex for People with Disabilities, Building A' , Elliniko, 16777

Workshop: "Empowering early childhood: fostering the wellbeing of children and their caregivers"

Workshop: "Empowering early childhood: fostering the wellbeing of children and their caregivers"

On 20 May 2024, during the Conference "Guaranteeing Choice & Control: Transforming Mental Health and Psychosocial Disability Support" organized by EASPD and held on 20-21 May 2024 in Bratislava, a Workshop was conducted as part of the Burnout FREE ECI Project by Vicky Krokou, European Programmes Manager in Amimoni. During the Workshop, entitled "Empowering early childhood: fostering the wellbeing of children and their caregivers", the challenges faced by parents of children with disabilities were presented, along with the main causes and signs of parental burnout.

3rd Multiplier Event of the Burnout FREE ECI Project

3rd Multiplier Event of the Burnout FREE ECI Project

On May 27 2024 Karin Dom held online the Multiplier Event #3 of the Burnout FREE ECI project: Burnout FREE Early Childhood Intervention Services: Prevention, Common Challenges, Mutually Empowering Methodologies and Practices for Professionals and Parents with Children with Disabilities.




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